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Caries Process and Prevention Strategies: Erosion

Course Number: 374

References / Additional Resources

  1. ten Cate JM, Imfeld T. Dental erosion, summary. Eur J Oral Sci. 1996 Apr;104(2 ( Pt 2)):241-4. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0722.1996.tb00073.x.

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  48. Baig AA, Faller RV, Yan J, Ji N, Lawless M, Eversole SL. Protective effects of SnF2 - Part I. Mineral solubilisation studies on powdered apatite. Int Dent J. 2014 Mar;64 Suppl 1:4-10. doi: 10.1111/idj.12096.

  49. Khambe D, Eversole SL, Mills T, Faller RV. Protective effects of SnF2 - Part II. Deposition and retention on pellicle-coated enamel. Int Dent J. 2014 Mar;64 Suppl 1:11-5. doi: 10.1111/idj.12097.

  50. Faller RV, Eversole SL. Protective effects of SnF2 - Part III. Mechanism of barrier layer attachment. Int Dent J. 2014 Mar;64 Suppl 1:16-21. doi: 10.1111/idj.12098.

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  52. Faller RV, Eversole SL, Saunders-Burkhardt K. Protective benefits of a stabilised stannous-containing fluoride dentifrice against erosive acid damage. Int Dent J. 2014 Mar;64 Suppl 1:29-34. doi: 10.1111/idj.12100.

  53. Hooper S, Seong J, Macdonald E, Claydon N, Hellin N, Barker ML, He T, West NX. A randomised in situ trial, measuring the anti-erosive properties of a stannous-containing sodium fluoride dentifrice compared with a sodium fluoride/potassium nitrate dentifrice. Int Dent J. 2014 Mar;64 Suppl 1:35-42. doi: 10.1111/idj.12101.

  54. Bellamy PG, Harris R, Date RF, Mussett AJ, Manley A, Barker ML, Hellin N, West NX. In situ clinical evaluation of a stabilised, stannous fluoride dentifrice. Int Dent J. 2014 Mar;64 Suppl 1:43-50. doi: 10.1111/idj.12102. Erratum in: Int Dent J. 2014 Jun;64(3):171.

  55. Eversole SL, Saunders-Burkhardt K, Faller RV. Erosion Prevention Potential of an Over-the-Counter Stabilized SnF2 Dentifrice Compared to 5000 ppm F Prescription-Strength Products. J Clin Dent. 2015;26(2):44-9.

  56. West NX, He T, Macdonald EL, Seong J, Hellin N, Barker ML, Eversole SL. Erosion protection benefits of stabilized SnF2 dentifrice versus an arginine-sodium monofluorophosphate dentifrice: results from in vitro and in situ clinical studies. Clin Oral Investig. 2017 Mar;21(2):533-540. doi: 10.1007/s00784-016-1905-1. Epub 2016 Aug 1.

  57. West NX, Seong J, Hellin N, Eynon H, Barker ML, He T. A clinical study to measure anti-erosion properties of a stabilized stannous fluoride dentifrice relative to a sodium fluoride/triclosan dentifrice. Int J Dent Hyg. 2017 May;15(2):113-119. doi: 10.1111/idh.12159. Epub 2015 Jun 22.

  58. West N, Seong J, Macdonald E, He T, Barker M, Hooper S. A randomised clinical study to measure the anti-erosion benefits of a stannous-containing sodium fluoride dentifrice. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2015 Mar-Apr;19(2):182-7. doi: 10.4103/0972-124X.145817.

  59. West N, He T, Hellin N, Claydon N, Seong J, Macdonald E, Eusebio R. Erosion protection efficacy of a 0.454% stannous fluoride dentifrice versus an arginine-containing dentifrice. Am J Dent. 2018 Apr;31(2):63-66.

  60. Zhao X, He T, He Y, Cheng C, Chen H. A Randomized Clinical Trial to Measure the Erosion Protection Benefits of a Novel Stabilized Stannous Fluoride Dentifrice versus a Control Dentifrice. J Clin Dent. 2017 Dec;28(4 Spec No B):B17-20.

  61. Zhao X, He T, He Y, Chen H. Efficacy of a Stannous-containing Dentifrice for Protecting Against Combined Erosive and Abrasive Tooth Wear In Situ. Oral Health Prev Dent. 2020 Jun 8;18(1):619-624. doi: 10.3290/j.ohpd.a44926.

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