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A Humanistic Approach to Team Member Motivation

Course Number: 525

References / Additional Resources

  1. Rosenbluth H. The customer comes second. New York, NY. William Morrow and Company. 1992.

  2. Harrison J, Willis,D, Thieman,C Business Basics for Dentists 2nd Edition, Oxford, Wiley Blackwell 2023.

  3. Kriegel R, Brandt D. Sacred cows make the best burgers : developing change-ready people and organizations. New York, NY. Grand Central Publishing. 2011.

  4. Maslow A. A Theory of Human Motivation. Lanham. Dancing Unicorn Books. 2017.

  5. McLeod S. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. 2014.  Accessed May 6, 2020.

  6. Versaci, M.B. HPI: Women make up growing percentage of dental workforce. Website ADA News, 2021. Accessed May 9, 2023.

  7. Alderfer CP. An empirical test of a new theory of human needs. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. Version 4. 1969. 142-175.

  8. Herzberg F. The motivation to work among Finnish supervisors. Personnel Psychology. Version 18. 1965. 393-402.

  9. McClelland D, Boyatzis R. Leadership motive pattern and long term success in management. Journal of Applied Psychology. Version 67. 1982. 737-743.

  10. MindTools. Adam's equity theory--balancing employee inputs and outputs.  Accessed May 6, 2020.

  11. Schwartz S. It’s Your Choice! Creating a Blueprint for Total Professional and Personal Success. Jay Street Publishers, 2002.  Accessed May 6, 2020.

  12. Costes M. 728: The Rapid Fire Round. The dentalprenuer podcast. 2019 Oct 30. Accessed May 6, 2020.

  13. Kantor JS. High turnover costs way more than you think. Huffington Post. 2016 Feb Accessed May 6, 2020.

  14. U.S. Department of Labor. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Accessed May 6, 2020.

  15. Nelson R. 1501 Ways to reward employees, 3rd Ed. New York, NY. Workman Publishing Company, Inc. 2012.

  16. Michalowicz M. 101 ways to reward employees without giving them cash. American Express Open Forum, 2013 Apr 10. Accessed May 6, 2020.

  17. Neumeister D. Chapter 24: Staff Meetings. Dental Practice Transition: A Practice Guide to Management. Dunning DG, Lange BM (eds). Ames, IA. Wiley. 2016.

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