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Intraoral Imaging Techniques: Beyond the Textbook

Course Number: 660

The Digital Sensor

Before we get started with the patient, let’s look at the digital sensor. Figure 3 shows a penny placed on the active side of a sensor, and the resultant image after the PID was positioned directly over the sensor and an exposure was made. The image shows a dead zone, i.e., we can only see a portion of the penny’s image. Where the penny superimposed the black strip, no image exists. The active zone on this particular sensor is within the thin black line; the outer edge of the entire sensor is a dead zone. You can do this simple exercise with your own sensors. By first determining the needed horizontal angulation, you will be successful with your placement of the sensor’s active zone.

ce660 - Fig 3

Figure 3 - Digital Sensor
(A) Penny placed on active side of sensor. (B) Resultant image shows deadzone with this particular sensor.