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Professional Dental Terminology for the Dental Assistant and Hygienist

Course Number: 542

Case Scenario 3: Gingivitis

The first patient of the day in Dr. Jay’s office is Ms. Patricia Greene. She is 36 years old and the only medication she is taking are birth control pills. She is scheduled for an oral prophylaxis appointment with Jessica, the dental hygienist in the practice. Dr. Jay and Jessica come into the treatment room together to greet Patricia and review her updated medical history.

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Dr. Jay to Ms. Greene: “Good morning Patricia. I was looking over your chart and see that you haven’t been in for a check-up in about three years. Before I do my examination, I would like for Jessica to take some x-rays or radiographs. I will need a full mouth series (FMX) and a panoramic image. Do you have any concerns about your mouth before we start?”

Ms. Greene to Dr. Jay: “I am having quite a bit of bleeding when I brush my teeth. I thought that maybe I am just brushing too hard. My gums are very tender when I brush.”

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Dr. Jay to Ms. Greene: "When the radiographs are complete, I will do my examination, check on your gums and then Jessica will clean your teeth and give you some oral hygiene instructions to help you out."